lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

My favourite dentist

Hello, today I'm gonna talk to you about Dr. German Valenzuela Basterrica, my favourite dentist and also the founder of this dental school. 

Dr. German Valenzuela Basterrica was a chilean Doctor and Dentist, he was the director of the Dentist School in the late XIX century. After studying medicine, Dr. German Valenzuela was sent by the Chilean government to study dentistry in Paris. In reward to his contribution for solving a famous criminal case and following  Dr. Germán Valenzuela wishes, the Chilean president Pedro Montt ordered to build a modern dentist school: The Dental School Dr. Germán Valenzuela . Therefore, odontology in Chile became a legal career, and the school became the best odontology school in Chile.
The Becker case

In 1909, the Germany embassy got burnt and what was believed to be the body of the German ambassador Guillermo Becker was discovered under the rubble. The German government accussed Exequiel Tapia, the doorman of the murder. With that, the relationship of Chile and Germany was really tense. After many investigations, and with the contribution of Dr. German Valenzuela, who identified that the dentition of the body that was found belonged to the doorman, the case was solved and Guillermo  Becker was executed and the Chilean world reputation was saved.

I like him because he proved that the odontology deserved more attention and not only being a dependence of medicine. 

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