lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

Evaluating my Blog

Today I’m going to talk to you about my experience writing this blog. First I have to say that in High School I always hated English, and I think it is because of the type of evaluations and how the classes were made. In 4th grade my English class was the last one of the week, and it was so boring to sit there and listen to the teacher for one hour and a half, she was also upset in that hour of the week and she was not interested in doing the class.
While writing this blog and doing this course I felt very comfortable, I love computers and I think it is a great idea to work with them because it  is more comfortable to write, and you can use many tools on the internet, also the teacher is very ready to support  every time you ask.
I think my writing skills increased with this course, because at the beginning I didn’t have too much assurance about what I’m writing and now I feel more comfortable.
Maybe in the future it would be a good idea to connect the blogging class with the speaking class, because we would be more familiarized with the words of a certain theme so the speaking activity would be more dynamic.
I would like to write more about actual topics in Chile and the region.

4 comentarios:

  1. I`m so proud that your skills were improve, my skills improved too

  2. I consider that you are very good in English and that practice with the blog helped you a lot.

  3. Thanks to this blog I got to know you better, you are a very fun person, I also think that my writing skills increased

  4. I hated English in my High School too! I hope that your skills in this subject continue to improve.
