lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Favourite Piece of Technology

For me, technology doesn't have to be jugded only for the uses and the comfort, It has to be recognized for the engineering and the construction of that object, having said that, I think my favourite piece of technology is the computer. I spend many hours on it and I also think that it is very useful to create new technology.

 It is a little difficult to explain, but in a few lines, a computer is a machine composed of two different parts; a physical one called ''Hardware'', that executes any command or instruction,  and ''Software'', the non physical part that includes the instructions and data of what the hardware has to do

Basically, you have a screen where you can see the operative system an the programs installed on it, a mouse, that allows you to move and select things, and also a keyboard use for writing.

The first time that I used a computer was when I was 5-6 years old. My uncle taught me how to use it and then showed me the MAME32, a game emulator of classic arcade games. Since then I became an addict to computer games and computers.

I never had my own computer, until 2015 when my grandmother gave me my first laptop. I spent a lot of time doing different things, like watching videos, playing games, reading books and more. Now I don't have enough time to spend on my computer, but I can spend 6-8 hours if I have time.

I like it because you can do a lot of things on it and the most important thing, is the best way to have access to the internet.

Without my computer my life would be more difficult because I would have less access to information, and I would have to buy a lot of things that with my computer are free and easy to get.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

My Career Choice

Hi again!

The first time when I thought about the future was when I was 5 years old, I wanted to be a waste collector, because I saw how they climb up while the collector truck was moving, and it was so cool for me. Then, in primary school, I wanted to be a musician, I still love music but not exactly being a musician.

When I had to decide what career to choose, I had a lot of options, like physics, engineering and more, but in a certain moment I decided to study something that will bring me the satisfaction of helping people directly. So, the first thing that I thought was medicine, but researching more I realized that medicine was not going to bring me enought satisfaction, then I decided to study odontology, because this career have a practical one, so I think it is more challenging for me.

My experience in the university until now is good, but chemistry is getting a little bit difficult, and in general, you have to do a lot of things in a short time, so it's very stressing.

Finally, I would like to work in a public hospital, because I'm studying with a grant, and I want to return the favor to the people who need quality attention.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

My Autobiography


My name is Bruno Corco, I was born on July 28, 2000 in Santiago de Chile
I'm the second of three brothers, Lucas and María Gracia, but I also have a half brother, Mauricio.

I grow up in Santiago Centro, and I still living there.

I  studied in Colegio Santa María de Santiago since I was 6 years old, and the last year I finished my secundary studies there. I always hated that school but I made so many friends there.

I like so much rock music so I learned how to play the guitar when I was 10 years old, but I still being a bad player. I was on a noise post grunge band in 2017 and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I left the band because it was not exciting enought for me in a certain moment, so I decided to step aside. Anyway, I want to create new music when I have free time.

Now, I'm studying Odontology at Universidad de Chile and I'm so happy of my election.